Sunday, July 02, 2006


Incredible how quickly stuff spreads. I've seen this before with new launches, but it still never ceases to amaze me. A week ago, searching google for "stufflinker" returned one result. Now it's three pages - and the stats are starting to show it...

Anyway. Tonight I changed some cookie settings, made a few tweaks to an underlying script or two, usual geekfodder. Also made a small but significant change to the display script for incoming messages - now if your SMS contains commas, the script will parse them into the tab view as a boolean "OR". In other words, if you stufflink "banana, train, xml" then it will get passed to each tab as "banana OR train OR xml". It seems to work well, but as always, let me know what you think.

Boring but necessary

Well, it's far too nice a morning to be sitting in front of a PC, so I'm off now...Have just completed a database upgrade and all the irritating but necessary code fiddlings that came along with it. End result for users: nothing has changed...

It often strikes me how strange it is that techy types work for days on end in order to carry out some kind of obscure back-end update and what we hope and pray for at the end of the day is that no-one will notice...

And with that thought, I'm off to get a coffee.